The guest will leave in peace

We spend so much energy trying to hold onto the parts of our lives that we like and trying to push away those that we don’t.

When, out of not knowing when something good will come along again, we hold onto something ‘positive’ the experience of it starts to die. We can hold onto the particular form but not to the joy itself. As we all know in our hearts, love is an open-handed thing, and we need to liberate that which we hold most dear.

When we try to push something ‘negative’ out of our experience it will always remain. We can, of course, push away a person we don’t like. We can leave a job or any situation we don’t like.  But as long as we are trying to push away the essence of that experience we are not allowing it to move through, and outer conditions will create another situation to mirror back the essence.

Everything that comes into our experience will stay somewhere in our field until we can find peace with it and release it with our blessing.

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